You are not being watched

In a world filled with cameras there still remains this one thing.

This one thing the camera doesn’t focus on. 

This one thing the camera doesn’t see. 

No one is watching. 

No one is looking over your shoulder. 

No one is monitoring you. 

You are free. 

You have choice. 

Your own decision. 

The only direction is..

It’s totally up to you. 


Free will. 


This is done on your own. 

These are your actions. 

You are a responsible adult. 

Let’s call it..

Unsupervised giving. 

Or maybe..

Unsupervised generosity. 

And since you know you are not being watched..

What will you do? 

What will you look for in return?

Because remember..

No one is watching.


Not hiding from generosity anymore


Will it be today?