Not hiding from generosity anymore
Hiding dates back to the beginning of time.
“I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”
Doesn’t this remind you of our work?
“I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”
Hid from the work.
Adam hid.
I hide.
Afraid of being rejected, manipulated, vulnerable, hurt, or used.
We hide from our work..
from ourselves..
from each other.
and yet..
A part of doing our work is letting others know what we’re really like.
What if they don’t like it?
And so we fear.
And then we hide.
Both keep us distant from our work..
from others..
from our true selves.
Our emotions are embedded in our work.
How could we let someone in?
What if every time we felt that fear..
we got more focused?
even more focused on how generous doing our work truly is.
Our work is a gift..
we give to ourselves
we give to others.
So why are you hiding?