Not me whining again
The associate in the wine store this morning knew nothing about what I was asking about.
How unfortunate.
For me, her, the business, and every other customer who might have a question.
She didn’t even try. She didn’t care.
But it did get me thinking..
The more knowledgeable you are about the product you’re selling, the higher the chance of you selling your product, and selling more of it.
The more knowledgeable you are, the higher the chances of you knowing what people want and being able to give it to them.
Think about the waiter or bartender who knows the menu inside out.
Their knowledge leads you to trusting them.
And nothing travels faster than the speed of trust.
In the business world there’s a popular saying..
“Everyone is in sales”.
Everyone is in the business of selling.
I think there’s a gift we can add to business.
However it’s none transactional.
Everyone is in generosity.
And generosity doesn’t begin when the customer is in your face.
Nor does it end when you close the sale.
It begins at home.
It begins at the library.
It begins before and after the office is closed.
And then it begins again..
Because there is no end to generosity.
Not in business and not in life.