You can’t pick your family

You can pick your friends. 

Here are three scenarios. 

  1. You are told that one of your friends just donated a large sum of money to an effective charity. They put the donation in your name. You’re trying to figure out which friend did this, but you’re having a hard time. All of your friends are generous.

  2. You are told by one of the most effective charities in the world that one of your friends just donated a large sum of money in your name. You know exactly which friend did this. 

  3. You receive a call from Charity Water. One of your friends donated a large sum of money, providing clean water for an entire village in South Sudan. You know there has been a mistake. None of your friends are that generous. 

They say it’s important who you surround yourself with. 

You might become them. 

Now which group of friends would you choose?

And what if you can’t find those kind of friends? 

Be that kind of friend. 

And they’ll find you.


the light on you


Doing good while you sleep