Who’s more curious than you?

A few days ago I was texting with my former altMBA classmate Peter. Peter is a polymath. And one of the things he does is teach. From a previous conversation I knew he was helping build Great Minds Virtual School, where he is the Director of Brand Experience, and so I asked, “How’s the school going?” 

“I’m teaching the Curiosity Club which is tons of fun.”

“Insane!” I replied

“Who's more curious than Peter?”

His response was very humbling.

“I think you are.” 

As it turns out, back in May I sat down with another polymath, Dr. Nadine Kelly for her podcast Health Raisers. Nadine and I have coached together in multiple sessions of the altMBA, and she is someone I am a fan of and absolutely enjoy working with. 

In this episode we talk about Intellectual Health and Wellbeing- “Curiosity”.

Practicing curiosity and making it a verb. 

And of course I share personal stories about my curiosity journey, some of which were painful and I’ve never shared before. 

Here’s to the curious ones.


Do you remember me?


If you see any tears, they are all happy