Who’s more curious than you?
A few days ago I was texting with my former altMBA classmate Peter. Peter is a polymath. And one of the things he does is teach. From a previous conversation I knew he was helping build Great Minds Virtual School, where he is the Director of Brand Experience, and so I asked, “How’s the school going?”
“I’m teaching the Curiosity Club which is tons of fun.”
“Insane!” I replied
“Who's more curious than Peter?”
His response was very humbling.
“I think you are.”
As it turns out, back in May I sat down with another polymath, Dr. Nadine Kelly for her podcast Health Raisers. Nadine and I have coached together in multiple sessions of the altMBA, and she is someone I am a fan of and absolutely enjoy working with.
In this episode we talk about Intellectual Health and Wellbeing- “Curiosity”.
Practicing curiosity and making it a verb.
And of course I share personal stories about my curiosity journey, some of which were painful and I’ve never shared before.