Think before you give

Eleven Madison Park

Speaking of great places to be..

In 2017 I had a chance to visit Eleven Madison Park. 

At the time, it was ranked the #1 restaurant in the world. 

Will Guidara (former co-owner) tells this amazing story that reminds me what Giving is Like..

(Or maybe what it ought to be like..)

One day while bussing a table he overheard the guest listing how many incredible restaurants they visited during their stay in New York. 

“We’ve been everywhere! The only thing we didn’t eat was a street hot dog.” 

Will dropped the dishes off in the kitchen and ran outside to get a hot dog. 

He brought the hot dog back to the kitchen and asked the Chef to plate it. 

Will returns to the guest table and says.. 

“We’re thrilled you chose us for your last meal in New York, but we didn’t want you to go home with any culinary regrets.” 

When the guest saw the beautifully plated hot dog, they freaked out. 

Will reports that in his entire career no guest has ever responded the way that table did after receiving their hotdog.

And as they left, each guest told Will it was not only the highlight of their meal, but the highlight of their entire stay in New York. 

Sure, we could give someone anything. 

Afterall, we’ve been taught “it’s the thought that counts”, without ever being taught to actually think about what will make our giving count. 

A $300 per person dining experience at the world's best restaurant is great. 

Yet, it was the hot dog that did the trick. 

A few bucks + A few thoughts = true generosity. 

Which means it doesn't have to cost a lot..

But it will cost.. 


forget about you.

Think about them. 

That’s what Giving is Like..


We don’t need more


You are on the hook