The women are responsible

I learned a few things yesterday. 

I consider them all gifts. 

But there is one I almost missed.

I think it’s the most valuable of them all. 

It hit me..

just as I sat down to write..

I noticed my heart, excited and fulfilled. 

I felt a smile on my face. 

An aha moment had landed, and it gave me clarity. 

Yesterday’s post was by far my most interactive post ever. 

I wish every post was this way, I love talking to people. 

Especially when they’re generous. 

And there were two common denominators in all the responses: 

  1. They all came from women. 

  2. They all were generous.

Interestingly enough, a few Sundays ago I was sitting in church when the Pastor mentioned a study that found women volunteer at higher rates than men. 

I closed my eyes and thought about the churches I’ve been a part of, and the countless churches I’ve visited..


And then I went on a little search, reading about women and men and their giving frequencies..


And so I’m not shocked women were responsible for all of yesterday's responses. 

I’m actually glad they were. 

It helped me see.

If women are more generous than men, wouldn’t it make sense they would have plenty to add to this list

But yet I’m curious, how do we become just as generous as women? 

Maybe we already are? 

Are there areas in which we are as generous or more generous than women?

What motivates us to be generous? 

What do we need to hear? 

What do we need to see?

Maybe it’s different for us?

(Maybe a future project?)

And maybe by highlighting a bigger issue I’ve brought forth a bigger opportunity?

We shall see..

But for now & always..

Thank God for women. 

They are responsible. 

P.S. If you are a giver (woman or man), are there things you don’t like about giving? 

Have you already added them to our list? 

If not, Friday is the deadline. Email me ( I’d love to add you in. 


How much generosity do they need?


See, it’s not only you.