the cool performance reviews

Over the last 15 years I’ve heard and read a fair share of yearly work performance reviews. 

And for the most part they all suck. 

But there is one cool thing about them. 

They are all about you. 

Nobody else. 

How did I do?

How can I get better?

What did I miss?

And every now and then, you might come across an even better review that looks at the you of today, next to the you of last year. 

Did I improve? 

Where do I still need more work? 

What’s my potential? 

Your performance review doesn’t compare you with someone else. (at least it shouldn’t) 

Look how much they did. 

Look how much they’ve grown. 

Look how good they are


This is your performance review. 

This is all about your performance. 

If there is any comparing..

it is you vs you. 

Old vs new. 

Better vs worse. 

Maybe the same you. 

(Hopefully not the same you.)

And I can’t help but imagine what might happen if we started more of our own reviews.

Our own giving review..

Or maybe even..

Our own generosity review. 

Not someone coming in and reviewing you on how much you gave..

Or how generous you were.

But you sitting down with you and being honest with you... 

How did I do? 

Where could I improve? 

Where did I miss the mark? 

But this review is not assessing a performance.

This is not a show.

This review is as if no one saw you. 

And like a work review, you wouldn’t compare you to the biggest philanthropist you know. 

Or anyone. 

Only you.. 

vs you. 

Old vs new. 

Better vs worse. 

Maybe the same you. 

(Hopefully not the same you.)

And in the end, you might find the review that was all about you, somehow helped so many others.


All about the family


Oops, you almost missed it