Stop lying to You
Two days ago I was speaking to my job's physical therapist when I asked..
“How many employees take your advice and actually go home and put it into practice?”
Her facial expression was very telling.
“Only a small percentage.”
She expressed how being a new mom of two small children has helped her understand how hard it can be to go home and work on yourself, or in this case, your health.
“You put everyone first, and yourself last”
As one mom explained to her- “By the time I get off work, get the kids, make dinner, do homework, and finally get them to bed, I’m exhausted. There is no time for me.”
Or in this case, for her health.
At least that’s what she said.
But even with no children I can imagine the dilemma.
Still I wondered, and subsequently asked..
“Which mom is the better mom- a healthy you or an unhealthy you?”
“How much more could you give to your children if you were healthy?”
Are your children worth a few minutes of your day to get you right?
To be better for them?
“I would do anything for my children!”
At least that’s what we say.
No really, what would you do for your children?
Even if it meant giving to yourself?
Working on yourself?
Working on your health?
Are you lying to yourself?
Is it the things we do for our children, or is it the things we say we do for our children?
Could it actually be for us?
What might happen if you gave yourself time to work on yourself?
To work on your health.
What might you be able to give to your children?
A better you?.
But if you won’t give it to yourself, how could you give..?