Never chase the difference

A few years back I read an amazing book..

Never Split The Difference”

A book on negotiation. 

Recently, while thinking about giving and generosity I heard..

“Never chase the difference”

It’s easy to get into a tit for tat game. 

A you do for me I do for you game. 

A hey wait a minute you owe me game. 

But what would it mean for you and for your giving..

If you never chased the difference. 

If you took your generosity serious.

If you never played those games. 

You gave because you wanted to. 

Because you are a generous giver. 

You are not chasing paybacks. 

You are chasing more opportunities. 

There’s a difference. 

Be mindful of your negotiations. 

The negotiations you have with yourself about why you shouldn’t. 

You are talking yourself out of it. 


Talk yourself into it.

The difference is a gift..

that is freely given.


You have to remember you too


Who me? Yes. You.