Beneath Beginnings (Don’t Look down!)

There's a scripture from the Bible that I love, it says: “Despise not the days of small beginnings”. 

Dear Mandell: Despise not the days of small beginnings. 

Dear (insert your name here): Despise not the days of small beginnings. 

Something often happens when we begin, we say: 

My beginning is beneath my consideration. 

My beginning is worthless.

My beginning is deserving of my scorn. 

The truth is, no one skips beginnings. 

No one is beneath beginning. 

When I despise my small beginning, I despise what small beginnings lead to. 

When I despise my small beginning, I despise the process that makes all things possible. 

When I despise my small beginning I tell my future he’s beneath my consideration, I tell my legacy it’s not worthy. 

But something can happen when we begin, we can say: 

My beginning is not beneath me. 

My beginning is worthy. 

My beginning is deserving of my best self. 

Keep giving to your small beginnings, because small does not mean insignificant. 

Don’t Look Down!


Brenda Conway International Woman


Communication Sunday