Everyone was doing it

Ghana West Africa

A few days ago I ended The Daily Tithe with this imagination..

“Imagine a world where generosity is so commonplace, no one expects a reward.”

Which led me to thinking..

Could scarcity & surprise be the very reason generosity is special?

Would a world where everyone was always generous rob generosity of its power & essence? 

Would it be the same if everyone was doing it? 

Is it special because “No one does this around here.” 


Is it special because “No one does this for me.”

Could it be both?

“I’m surprised by how scarce it is towards all of us & I’m surprised by how scarce it is towards me.”

If any of this is true, that would mean you have the ability to do rare, special, & powerful things. 

It would mean you could be so unique that you would surprise a lot of people. 

And it would mean your essence could be so scarce that everyone would love being in your presence. 

Not because you’re doing what everyone is doing, rather because you’re not.


Generosity comes before growth


How to change a community.