Beyond Bars & Behind Belief
Willie Pearl & Wyatt Tee Walker
On April 15, 1963, a lawyer by the name of Clarence Jones traveled to a Birmingham Jail to visit Martin Luther King.
King, handing Jones scraps of paper, told him about a letter he had been writing. Jones snuck the paper scraps out of the jail and handed them to Wyatt Tee Walker, who gave them to his secretary, Willie Pearl Mackey King.
“The writing on the greasy sandwich wrappers was hard to make out.”
By any means necessary Martin wrote- on the paper his sandwiches came in, margins of newspapers, napkins, and toilet paper.
To make it worse, the scraps were not always in order.
“It was like a jigsaw puzzle. It was the worst thing I ever had to work on in my life.”
At worst the work was difficult.
At best it changed history forever.
How could your most difficult work can become your most precious gift..
for the world?