Only you can start you

If you want a Kelly or Birkin bag you might be able to add your name to Hermès’s six year waiting list. 


Before you get your hopes up, Hermès has a ranking system that gives priority to previous clients. 

(Don’t quote me on this, but I’ve heard Ferrari follows the same model.)

And recently I took a 5 day drawing class that was required before I took any of their 1 day drawing classes. 

(This is sounding very college prerequisites.)

Yet, in our hands we have the beauties of giving. 

Only you can stop you. 

No waiting list & No prerequisites. 

It’s already yours.


Maybe there is one. 

At least for the type of giving I’m referring to. 

The kind that changes you. 

You don’t have to wait to give. 

You have to want to give.

For the right reasons. 

So if you’ve been waiting..

Only you can start you. 

It’s yours.


You can be who you want to be


You can start small